Additive Manufacturing

Specific Mission

The research line for additive manufacturing aims to design and develop new materials and components at a pre-industrial level in a number of sectors, including aerospace, biomedical and industrial ones. At the same time, the objective is to develop a basic material study by controlling and exploiting the particular microstructural features introduced by the Additive Manufacturing technologies. It also aims to significantly increase the penetration of this production methodology in industrial production by contributing to the development of new generations of additive manufacturing machines.

Main Research Topics

  • Development of AM processes for light alloys and high-resistance alloys (Al alloys, Ni superalloys, TiAl intermetallic alloys, Ti alloys, etc.) for components in the aerospace, automotive and industrial sectors (research line in close collaboration with sections 1 Metallic Materials and 2 High Temperature Materials)
  • Development of AM processes on new bioactive and bio-absorbable materials for biomedical components (research line in close collaboration with section 6 Biomaterials)
  • Development of AM processes on ceramic materials (research line in close collaboration with section 3 Ceramic Materials)
  • Optimization of the gas atomization process of new alloys designed for additive manufacturing technologies.

Main Partnerships

  • DIGEP - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale e della Produzione del Politecnico di Torino
  • University of Birmingham
  • ESA
  • Politecnico di Milano
  • Fraunhofer Institute
  • Monash University
  • Leoben University
  • AVIOAERO, GE, ThalesAleniaSpace
  • Ferrari
  • Pastificio Rummo
  • Prima Additive
  • IRIS
  • Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
  • OMB
  • Enel S.p.A.
  • ENI S.p.A.
  • SUPSI - Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana
  • Chalmers University of Technology
  • Michelin Italia;
  • Siemens Energy AB;
  • BAM

Projects and publications