For each PhD student enrolled in the DISAT PhD courses, some procedures are presented to ensure safe access to the Department's facilities.
In detail, each student is informed on how to proceed to access the DISAT offices and laboratories
In addition, the Space and Logistic Management Board periodically proposes, based on the new assignments, the sustainability of the resources to be assigned to the PhD students, related to the available spaces.
For the purposes of access authorization to DISAT it is necessary to make specific request to the Director of the Department by sending the form to for enabling the unstructured personal card like PhD students.
Access is permitted for the Polis opening period; any requests for access for a longer period, properly motivated, they must be sent directly to the Director of the Department.
For access to the DISAT laboratories it is necessary to attend (and pass) a Test. All information relating to the scheduling of the Tests, as well as the manuals with information relating to rules of conduct, signage and signs, classification of chemical products, etc. etc. are available on the web page