Third Mission

The action of the Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) in the sphere of the Third Mission aims to implement the innovation chain for the development of skills and results, enhancing the excellence of scientific research and its application in the industrial field, also through synergistic actions of diffusion of an innovative culture. To achieve these objectives, DISAT has invested over the years in new research chains, also thanks to a policy of strong incentives for human capital and great scientific equipment, to meet the new demands of innovation coming from the industrial world. The Mission Document attached to the Regulations of the Department highlights the objective of promoting, coordinating and managing not only basic research but also applied research, including technology transfer and services to the territory in the areas that characterize the activity of DISAT.

The active involvement of researchers and/or research groups in research/consultancy activities, strongly characterized by industrial application, is part of this context wthich, in some cases, have materialized in the patenting of new technologies. Despite the period of an economic situation certainly not positive of the "Country System" as a whole, which has recorded significant contractions in scientific research investments, DISAT has recorded a strong increase as regards the total amount of collections deriving from commercial activities:





 2.134.992,54 €

2.332.483,42 € 

3.382.426,56 €

4.421.463,54 €