M. Agnello
- “Technical Coordinator” of the OBELIX Experiment at CERN (1989-1994)
- “Responsible of the antineutron line” of the OBELIX experiment at CERN (1989-1994)
- “Technical Coordinator” of the FINUDA Experiment at LNF (1992-1994)
- “Responsible of the DRIFT CHAMBER apparatus” in the FINUDA experiment at LNF (1994-1998)
- “Coordinator” of the Turin Polytechnic researchers affiliate to INFN (since 2012)
- Responsible of the framework agreement from the I.N.F.N. and Turin Polytechnic (since 2014)
- Team Leader of the ALICE Group at the Turin Polytechnic (since January 2016)
- Member of the Collaboration Board in ALICE Experiment since February 2016.
L. Andrianopoli
- Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale to associate professorship
- Premio “Le Scienze”, 2006 edition
- New talent grant of Centro Fermi (2004-2007)
- Fellow of CERN-TH division (2002-2004)
S. Bufalino
- Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale to Associate professorship
- Deputy Team Leader of the ALICE Group at the Turin Polytechnic (since January 2016)
- Convener of the Physics Analysis Group “Nuclei and Exotica” of the ALICE experiment (since 2014).
- System Run Coordinator of the Inner Tracking System of the ALICE experiment at CERN (2013-2015)
- Deputy System Run Coordinator of the Silicon Drift Detector of the ALICE experiment at CERN (since 2015)
- Marie Curie Research Fellow (2015)
- Associate position at CERN at the PH Department with a research project on the hypernuclear study in the ALICE experiment (2012-2014)
- "Antonio Garbasso" Special Prize of the Italian Physics Society (SIF) given to young researchers for their scientific results achieved during the PhD studies (2008).
F. Iazzi
- Coordinator of the INFN experiment PAN (CERN)- Sezione di Torino, since 1991 to 1997
- Responsible of the analysis of the antineutron-proton and antineutron-nucleus data in the OBELIX experiment at CERN, since 1991 to 2001
- National coordinator of the INFN experiment TOFUS since 1994 to 1996
- Member of the Physics Committee of PANDA Collaboration since 2006
- President of the Speakers Committee of PANDA Collaboration in 2013
- Member of the Collaboration Board of PANDA Collaboration since 2004
A. Lavagno
- Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale to full professorship
- Member of the Physics Committee of INFN as reviewer of the PANDA experiment in 2013
M. Trigiante
- Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionaleto full professorship
- EU “M. Curie” grant ERG
- EU fellowship “M. Curie”
- Italian grant “Rientro dei Cervelli”