CMPCS - Condensed Matter Physics and Complex Systems


The Group of Condensed-Matter Physics and Complex Systems aims to develop Statistical Physics, Physics of Matter, fundamental Physics and their interdisciplinary applications. The group greatly promotes the synergic use of theoretical, computational and experimental methods in order to meet the novel challenges offered by science and engineering, from lifescience to nanoscience. The group involves various research Teams, as listed below.

Main targets

  • Studies on applications of statistical physics methods to computational neuroscience, computational biology and biophysics
  • Developments of algorithms for optimization, statistical inference and inverse problems
  • Investigation of graphene-based materials for possible optoelectronic applications
  • Description of quantum and interaction effects in low-dimensional fermionic systems
  • Study on the interplay between spin-orbit interaction and electromagnetic field and/or electron-electron interaction in electronic low-dimensional systems.
  • Development of quantum optics schemes, e.g. standard and two-photon Rabi models.
  • Experimental realization of elastic metamaterials based devices (e.g. acoustic diode, natural filters, …) or self-healing systems and development of elastic models of damping and modulus nonlinearities
  • Interpretation of ferroelectric response of a complex liquid
  • Analyse the main mathematical properties of kappa-entropy giving particular attention to its composibility law for the case of statistically independent systems. Propose the evolution equations and study their solutions for complex systems described by the kappa-entropy.
  • Temperature effects, entanglement properties and demixing in atomic mixture
  • Dynamical phase transitions, coherence and localization properties in bosonic fluids with two components
  • Understanding the dynamics of magnetically confined plasmas of thermonuclear research and interpretation of experimental phenomena observed in tokamak plasmas.
  • Application of advanced geophysical methods for a complete mapping of the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, and for the search of void areas and underground structures of potential archaeological interest adjacent to the Tomb of Tutankhamun.


Prof. Fausto ROSSI

Research teams

Additional contents