Nuclear and Subnuclear Fundamental Physics

Specific mission

The research activity is focused on the study of fundamental properties of nuclear and sub-nuclear matter with experimental and theoretical/phenomenological investigations mainly addressed on the strangeness production in nuclear matter, structure and formation of double hyper-nuclei, neutrinoless double beta decays, high-energy nuclear astrophysics. 

Main research topics

  • Double charge exchange reactions relevant for the study of the double beta decay;
  • Structure and formation of double hypernuclei and iperatoms;
  • Strangeness production in nuclear matter;
  • Structure and formation of neutron stars;

Main partnerships

  • NUMEN Collaboration: it consists of about 50 physicists from 9 Universities in 5 countries of Europe and America. In Italy the institutions members of NUMEN are: Catania University, Torino Politecnico, Genova University, Enna University and the following INFN sections:
    1. LNS, INFN Catania, Italy,
    2. Sezione INFN, Turin, Italy
    3. Sezione INFN, Genova, Italy
    4. Sezione INFN, Catania, Italy
  • PANDA Collaboration: it consists of about 400 physicists from 49 institutions in 16 countries of Europe, Asia, North-America and Australia. In Italy the institutions members of PANDA are: Torino Politecnico and University, Pavia University , Trieste University, Ferrara University , Catania University, and the following INFN sections:
    1. LNF, INFN Frascati, Italy,
    2. LNS, INFN Catania, Italy,
    3. Sezione INFN, Turin, Italy
    4. Sezione INFN, Rome, Italy
    5. Sezione INFN, Ferrara, Italy
    6. Sezione INFN, Trieste, Italy
    7. Sezione INFN, Pavia, Italy
    8. Sezione INFN, Genova, Italy
  • Compact Stars Physics: in collaboration with Ferrara University, Frankfurt University, Columbia University New York
  • Gruppo Materials and Processes for Micro and Nano-Technologies, DISAT, Politecnico di Torino

Projects and publications

Reference laboratories

Leader Permanent staff
PhD, Post-docs and Grant researchers