Dust Explosion and Processes Safety

Specific mission

Development of experimental methods for the measurement of the deflagrating parameters of powder and layers of dust clouds. Development of risk assessment methods for explosive atmospheres, development of mitigation methods of the explosion hazard. Development of fire risk assessment methods in industrial and civil buildings installations. Risk assessment of the processes of production of biofuels.

Main research topics

  1. Experimental and predictive evaluation of explosive parameters of powder mixtures.
  2. Experimental and predictive ssessment of the influence of the particle size distribution of a powder on the explosive parameters.
  3. Assessment methods for the flammability of a dust.
  4. Risk analysis of biofuels production plants.
  5. Speditive methods for assessing the fire hazard of civil activities.
  6. Speditive methods for assessing the fire hazard of industrial sites.

Main Partnerships

  • Università di Bologna, LISES, Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials,
  • Università Federico II, Napoli
  • Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Universitè de Lorraine
  • Tecsa srl, Pero (MI)

Projects and publications

Reference laboratories

Leader Permanent staff
PhD, Post-docs and Grant researchers